Saturday, January 07, 2006
everything, everything look OH so weird.
juniors look weird,
teachers look weird,
school look weird,
i probably look weird there, judgin from the weird glances.
a blink of eye and i'm out of the school. yesterday i was in my bed, just night-dreamin about my sec 1 days. sec1 days of how i wish i could be sec 4 soon and sit in the gallery and the far end of the parade square. now lookin back, time really flies. =(
miss the alley, miss the peeps, miss the way i mugg, miss how we throws eggs on birthdays,miss rubbing chilli on birthday ppl, miss how we have to clean up, miss how the operation manager screw us, miss the morninng command i give in the morning, miss the pledge i need to give out, miss mc-ing, miss wanderin at the back of the hall during bigg events, miss the council room, miss the exco ppl,who prolly foregt us. miss....
ARH, just move on. no more uniform dude. not the clothes, niether the life.
w-kIong|12:19 PM|